Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Muammar al-Gaddafi

Being a proud Libyan is something I always try to establish where ever I go.

Being Libyan and having Muammar al-Gaddafi as my leader is an honor ,a man with so much pride and dignity ,a man with a set o morals he is not willing to look over for anything or anyone, a Bedouin who still loves the smell of the desert and the heat of the sun. That is my leader ,the man I want to talk about .

Gaddafi was born in a Bedouin family near Sirte, (that’s the area I come from) Son of a Bedouin farmer, he was born in a tent in the desert the last child and only son in his family he was bought up to be a devoted Muslim and a believer in nationalism .

Still as humble and down to earth as he was over forty one years ago when he was just a teenager that was a loyal follower of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and his Arab socialist and nationalism ideal, to now where he is a leader to one of the richest oil countries in the world .

He graduated from the university of Libya in 1963 and became an army officer in 1965.

He then formed a secret revolutionary committee to take over the kingdom that was ruled by the king Idris I. Qaddafi established himself as Libya's leader and chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council. Blending Arab nationalism, revolutionary socialism, and Islamic orthodoxy, Qaddafi proceeded to run Libya's government as a loudly proud Arabic country that embraces Islam . He wanted to have a fully mature Arabic country and a society that matures through its own culture and religion.

Gaddafi is married , has eight natural children, seven of them sons. He also had two adopted children. His adopted daughter, Hanna, was killed in the April 1986 in the United States bombing of Libya. At a "concert for peace", held on 15 April 2006 in Tripoli to mark the 20th anniversary of the bombing raid, U.S. singer Lionel Richie told the audience:

“Hanna will be honored tonight because of the fact that you've attached peace to her name.”

Gaddafi lives a very simple life , rejecting all luxuries believing that he should live like all the people eat their food and drink their water.

Gaddafi is one of the most popular African leaders.

The Libyan leader enjoys a reputation among many Africans as an experienced and wise leader who has been straight forward over the years.

Gaddafi has earned the admiration of great people like Nelson Mandela and others, and is always a famous figure in various African organizations, such as the Organization of African Unity (now replaced by the African Union).

He insisted on building the Great Manmade River is a network of pipes that supplies 6,500,000 m³ of fresh water per day from beneath the Sahara Desert, from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System fossil aquifer, to the cities in the north of Libya, including Tripoli, Benghazi and Sirt. The project consists of more than 1,300 wells, most more than 500 m deep. According to the 2008 edition of Guinness Book of Records, it is the world's largest irrigation project. Construction on the first stage started in 1984, and cost about $5 billion. The completed project may total $25 billion.

Besides that he offers free education to any nationality in the country and free medical care.

He always has something to say and isn’t afraid to share his thought ideas and believes with the world ,and some of my favorite quotes are:

  • “The black people’s struggle has vanquished racism. It was God who created color. Today Obama, a son of Kenya, a son of Africa, has made it in the United States of America.’

  • "There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe - without swords, without guns, without conquests.”

I would love to add that besides being a politician he is also a philosopher and wrote Books like the Green Book (1975), Gaddafi has authored other works, including Escape to Hell and Other Stories (1998) The One-State Solution",

I personally read the “Escape to hell and other stories” one of the best things I have ever read ….I seriously advise people to read it. He talks about his view of life as a Bedouin man ,and as a Arabic leader.

No matter what I say about him ,I will never be able to explain what a legend he is. Starting from nothing to owning everything yet staying down to earth THAT’S A MAN I LOOK UP TO.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


principle 1:the child shall enjoy all the rights set forth in this declartion.principle 2: the child shall enjoy specail protection and shall be given opprtunities and facilities.
principle 3: the child shall be entitled from his birth to name and nationality.

principle 4 : the child should enjoy the benifits of socail secuirty

principle 5: a child who has physicaly and mentaly handicapped shall be givin specail treatment.